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The Challenges of Dry Weather in Yogyakarta

By: Chantal Maharani Major (8th grades)

The city of Yogyakarta experiences a significant rise in temperature during its dry season. While the average temperature in Yogyakarta is around 30 degrees Celsius, the heat has become more extreme in recent years, with some days reaching 35 degrees Celsius or higher. This is due to various factors, including:

  • Climate Change: climate change is a phenomenon where the Earth’s average temperature increases, which also affects the city of Yogyakarta.
  • Urbanisation: the rapid growth of the city has caused an increase in infrastructure, such as asphalt and concrete, which traps heat and contributes to urbanization.
  • Furthermore Deforestation: Deforestation in Jogja involves cutting down trees or forests around Yogyakarta for development, which reduces shade and vegetation that help cool the city.

Many people have been wondering if the recent increase in waste burning in Yogyakarta is also the direct reason behind the rise in temperature in the city. However, it should be noted that while waste burning can exacerbate air pollution, it is not the sole cause of the heat. Air pollution can trap heat in the atmosphere, making urban areas feel even hotter. Therefore, it is important to reduce waste burning and take steps to improve air quality to mitigate the impact of heat on cities.

The rising temperatures have brought about various problems, such as increased discomfort, health problems, energy consumption, and infrastructure damage. The increased heat is making it difficult for people to live and work comfortably, causing discomfort. Moreover, the heat is leading to health problems such as heat stroke and exhaustion. People are also using more energy-intensive equipment like air conditioners to combat the heat, leading to increased energy consumption. Additionally, the heat is causing damage to infrastructure, including roads and railways.

The Mlati Yogyakarta Climatology Station uses a tool called the Automatic Weather Station (AWS) to monitor meteorological parameters. AWS is specifically designed to measure and record data on various meteorological parameters, including solar radiation, wind direction and speed, air temperature, air humidity, air pressure, and rainfall. The data is collected automatically and in an integrated manner, which makes it easier for the Central BMKG to observe and analyse the data.

Solutions to reduce the impact of climate change that can be implemented include planting trees (reforestation), reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, switching to renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. These solutions are possible, but quite challenging. But we can start with small things such as doing the 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle), reducing the use of plastic, Styrofoam packaging, etc.

In order to avoid the negative effects of extreme heat, there are several adjustments we can make in our daily routine. These include staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water, avoiding strenuous activities during the hottest times of the day, and wearing loose clothing to increase comfort. It is also important to ensure that homes and businesses have good insulation to prevent hot air from entering.

The climate change that occurred in Yogyakarta is a small part of the serious problem of climate change in Indonesia, which has caused a number of negative impacts felt by the Indonesian population, including:

  • More extreme weather events: Indonesia is experiencing more extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, and floods.
  • Rising sea levels: rising sea levels threaten coastal communities in Indonesia.
  • Reduced crop yields: heat damages crops, which can cause food shortages.
  • Increased drought: heat dries up rivers and lakes, which can lead to water shortages.

After analysing the information provided, it can be concluded that the recent extremely hot weather in Yogyakarta is caused by global climate change. This change is adversely affecting the population of Indonesia, causing various issues such as health problems, increased discomfort, damage to infrastructure, and increased energy consumption. In order to tackle this issue, we need to implement various solutions such as reforestation, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, increased use of renewable energy sources, enhancing energy efficiency, and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. While it may be difficult to achieve these solutions, we can start by adopting small changes such as practising the 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle), minimizing the use of plastic, Styrofoam packaging, and other similar practices.

Interview with Mr. Ari W. Adipratomo, Low Carbon Policy and Program Advisor, from the British Embassy in Jakarta
BMKG Observation Tool https://staklimyogyakarta.com/alat-pengamatan-bmkg/

Heat wave (freepik)

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