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In Your Hands: One Earth for All

By Rio Ananda

Education Gap

It’s important to acknowledge that many individuals and communities, particularly those in marginalized or vulnerable situations, often struggle to meet their basic physiological and safety needs. These needs include access to clean water, food, shelter, and personal safety—fundamental requirements for survival.

In such circumstances, climate education may not be an immediate priority. When individuals are preoccupied with securing their basic needs, it can be challenging for them to focus on broader issues, even those as critical as climate change. This situation creates an education gap and limits the dissemination of climate knowledge to those who need it most.

Maslow’s theory suggests that human needs are structured into a pyramid of five tiers, with physiological needs at the base and self-actualization at the pinnacle. The hierarchy progresses from basic, survival-oriented requirements to higher-level needs related to personal growth and fulfilment. According to Maslow, individuals must fulfil their lower-level needs before progressing to the higher one.

Climate Education: A Social Welfare Imperative

To address this education gap, it is imperative to recognize that climate education is not just an environmental issue; it is a matter of social welfare. Education equips individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to adapt to and mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. In marginalized communities, this knowledge is especially crucial, as these areas are often disproportionately affected by climate-related challenges.

Fridays for Future Indonesia has embarked on an important initiative to address the pressing issue of the climate crisis. Recognizing that marginalized communities in Indonesia are likely to bear the brunt of its impacts, we are taking action to provide them with vital knowledge and hope to bridge the information gap that exists due to limited access to resources in these marginalized areas.

“Di Tangan Kamu: Satu Bumi untuk Semua” (In Your Hands: One Earth for All) is more than ink on paper; it’s a testament to our mission of creating a more inclusive and sustainable future. The launch of this book is not just about distributing information; it signifies a transformative step toward fostering social welfare.

We believe that every child, regardless of their circumstances, should have the opportunity to engage in environmental issues. The climate crisis affects us all, and it is only through collective action and shared knowledge that we can build a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

By providing climate education, we empower individuals to make informed decisions about their safety, well-being, and the future of their communities. This knowledge offers them the opportunity to contribute to local climate resilience efforts and advocate for sustainable practices. In essence, climate education can serve as a steppingstone toward fulfilling higher-level needs, as proposed by Maslow’s theory.

Turning Pages, Changing Lives: Climate Education for Social Welfare

Our commitment to building a more sustainable future has led us to embark on a crucial journey aimed at closing the knowledge gap on the climate crisis. “Di Tangan Kamu: Satu Bumi Untuk Semua(In Your Hands: One Earth for All) is more than ink on paper; it’s a testament to our mission of a more inclusive and sustainable future. Access to quality education is a rare privilege for many children living in underserved communities. They face unique adversities, and the climate crisis often magnifies these challenges. The launch of this book is not just about distributing information; it signifies a transformative step toward fostering social welfare (hopefully). By educating children about the climate crisis and its consequences, we are sowing the seeds of understanding and action, helping these young individuals become advocates for a sustainable future. We believe that every child, regardless of their circumstances, should have the opportunity to engage in environmental issues. The climate crisis affects us all, and it’s only through collective action and shared knowledge that we can build a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Read the full book by clicking this link: https://bit.ly/3TKbDh9

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