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Home » Youth and Climate Justice » Regional Community Consolidation in Yogyakarta in Welcoming the Global Power Up Action: Transition to Solutions

Regional Community Consolidation in Yogyakarta in Welcoming the Global Power Up Action: Transition to Solutions

By: Raafi (Climate Rangers Jogja)

On 1 November 2023, various communities in Jogja held a regional consolidation at Sirkel de Koffie to participate in commemorating the global Power Up action to encourage the global renewable energy revolution. Climate Rangers Jogja as the initiator together with other environmental communities will hold a series of Power Up Jogja “Transition to Solutions” actions. In the discussion, several climate communities in Jogja were also present, such as ICCI UGM, Jampiklim, YLKIS, Trash Hero Yogyakarta, FNKSDA, WALHI Jogja, and Pedestrian Jogja.

Power Up is a global movement led by 350.org and its partners. We unite with other movements, groups, and local communities to promote people power and renewable solutions as a means of resistance against the dirty energy industry that is causing climate destruction. In Indonesia, we will leverage the momentum of the registration for Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates for the 2024 Presidential Election, which opens from October 29 to November 8, to encourage all Indonesians to join us in our cause.

In Jogja the Power Up action will be held in several series of events, including:

  1. Mural event on 2 November 2023.
  2. Public discussion on 3 November 2023 with the theme “Towards Fair Clean Energy: Creating a Transition Without Oppression”. Three speakers, Nova Ruth (Arka Kinari), Bambang Muryanto (journalist), and Sisilia (350.org Indonesia), will participate in the discussion.
  3. Orations, performances, and gigs on 4 November 2023, where demand posters, art installations, and parachutes will be displayed at the 0 KM Jogja point.

During our discussion on consolidation, we realized that achieving an energy transition in an unequal democratic climate is impossible. To ensure a fair approach towards this goal, we need to pay attention to the needs and justice of all levels of society, including the vulnerable and marginalized. We also discussed how to promote an equitable energy transition in two ways, namely vertically and horizontally. In the vertical direction, it’s crucial to continue urging governments and related actors to transition towards clean energy that is equal at the local, national and international levels. Horizontally, civil society must work together and raise awareness of the pressing issues related to clean energy that we face today, including unequal energy access and socio-economic impacts. This way, we can come up with collaborative solutions that benefit everyone.

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