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Final Evaluation of Caritas Indonesia (Karina)’s project “Emergency Appeal (EA) Mentawai-Bengkulu

Between March 10 – 27, 2011 Circle Indonesia conducted final evaluation for the Karina’s project at Mentawai and Bengkulu. The evaluated project was “Emergency Appeal (EA) Mentawai-Bengkulu, project period of 2007-2009”. The project was performed by Caritas Indonesia in cooperation with Komisi PSE Caritas Keuskupan Padang and Pansos Bodronoyo Palembang. The project area were in 5 sub villages of the island of Mentawai, namely Dusun Mangkaulu, Kosai Baru, Matobe Sarere, Bubuangkat and Baleraksok and in 6 areas in Bengkulu represented by Settlement Unit namely Settlement Unit 2, Settlement Unit 5, Settlement Unit 9, Karang Pulau, Ketahun, and Argamakmur.

The objective of this project was to provide aid to the victims of West Sumatra Earth Quake in 2007 and to reduce their vulnerability towards disaster risks in the future.

The evaluation employed qualitative and quantitative approach simultaneously to draw conclusion and elaborate findings. It was a participatory evaluation which based its analysis on information sharing, observation, and joint assessment involving Karina (staffs and management), Disocesan Caritas (core team), community members in Mentawai and Bengkulu, and representative of CI members (SCCF, Caritas Australia, Caritas Italiana, and Trocaire) in Indonesia.

The methods of collecting data were interview, focus group discussion, and field observation. It also used desk review on secondary data of the project. The evaluation involves 41% out of the total beneficiaries in Mentawai (158 participants) and 53% of the total beneficiaries in Bengkulu (78 participants) in Focus Group Discussion. It also included personal interview with the head of the sub village, randomly selected beneficiaries, management of Caritas Indonesia, Management and Staff of the EA project Mentawai from PSE Parochial Padang and Staff of EA Project Bengkulu from Pansos Palembang. Representatives from SCCF, Caritas Australia, Trocaire, and Caritas Indonesia were also involved in giving inputs during presentation of findings from the field.

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